CUET PG Economics COQP10

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CUET PG Economics
Question Bank
Consumer Theory or Behaviour: Demand, Utility, Indifference Curve, Revealed Preference Theory, Consumer Surplus
Production Theory: Production Function, Law of Variable Proportions, Returns to Scale, Cost Function, types and concepts
Price and Output determination in Market: Perfect and Imperfect Competition (Monopoly, Price Discrimination, Monopolistic, Duopoly and Oligopoly models) General Equilibrium, Efficiency and Welfare: Equilibrium and efficiency under pure exchange and production; overall efficiency and welfare economics, externality
National Income Accounting
Income and Output Determination: Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply, Effective Demand Principle, Classical and Keynesian Theory
Mean, Mode, Median, Dispersion, Skewness, Quartile Deviation, Average Deviation, Standard Deviation
Simple Regression Model Probability Distribution Sampling​
Indian Economy
Macro Trends: National Income; population; occupational structure.
Agriculture: Agrarian structure and land relations; agricultural markets and institutions – credit, commerce and technology; trends in performance and productivity; famines. Railways and Industry: Railways; the de-industrialisation debate; evolution of entrepreneurial and industrial structure; nature of industrialisation in the interwar period; constraints to industrial breakthrough; labour relations.
Economy and State in the Imperial Context
The imperial priorities and the Indian economy; drain of wealth; international trade, capital
Flows and the colonial economy – changes and continuities; government and fiscal policy.
New Economic Policy
Public Economics: Public and Private Goods, Externalities, Budget, Deficits, Public Debt, Fiscal Federalism in India,
Taxation: its economic effects; dead weight loss and distortion, efficiency and equity considerations, tax incidence, optimal taxation.
International Trade Theories: Adam Smith, Ricardo, Heckscher-Ohlin model and New Trade Theories
Mathematics Methods in Economics
Sets and Vector
Functions of one and several real variable Single and Multi variable optimization Integration of functions
Difference equations
Determinants Matrix
Linear Programming Probability
Differential Equations
Money and Inflation
Demand and Supply of Money, Money Multiplier and High Powered Money, Credit Creation, Role of Reserve Bank of India and Commercial Banks, Quantitative Theories of Money, Philip’s Curve
Monetary and Fiscal Policy of India and its role
Consumption and Investment Function
Permanent, Relative and Life Cycle Hypothesis, determinants of business fixed investment; residential investment and inventory investment, Multiplier and Accelerator
Open Economy Models: Mundell and Fleming Model (IS, LM and BP curve) , Balance of Payments, exchange rate determination, Purchasing Power Parity
Economic Growth: Harrod-Domar Model, Solow Model