Introductory Econometrics
BECC 110
VIDEO lectures
Complete syllabus
Access 6 months or exam whichever is Earlier
Fee - Rs 4,500
IGNOU Introductory Econometrics
Block 1 - Econometric Theory: Fundamentals
Unit 1 Introduction
Unit 2 Over view of Statistical Concepts
Unit 3 Overview of Testing of Hypotheses
Block 2- : Regression Models: Two variables Case
Unit 4 Simple Linear Regression Model: Estimation
Unit 5 Simple Linear Regression Model: Inference
Unit 6 Extension of Two Variab
Block 3- Multiple Regression Models
Unit 7 Multiple Linear Regression Model: Estimation
Unit 8 Multiple Linear Regression Model: Inference
Unit 9 Extension of Regression Models
Block 4- Treatment of Violations of Assumptions and Specification
Unit 10 Multicollinearity
Unit 11 Heteroscedasticity
Unit 12 Autocorrelation
With the academic session of July 2019, the Indira Gandhi National Open University has espoused the Choice Grounded Credit System introduced by the University subventions Commission. The Choice Grounded Credit System provides inflexibility for the scholars to study the subjects/ courses of their choice and offer easy mobility between different institutions in the country. There are two programmes under CBCS viz.
B.A.( General)( BAG) and
B.A.( Honours)( BAH).
While the BAG programme was launched from July 2019, the BAH is launched from January, 2020. While IGNOU has been one of the foremost to introduce credit grounded academic programmes with a wider choice of courses, with the CBCS, it's now introducing semester system and point grounded evaluation system under a 10 point grading system. The programme can be completed in a minimal period of three times( six semesters) or in a maximum period of six times. A credit is original to 30 hours of study time.
B. A. Economics (Honours) is BAECH. This programme is of 148 credits. The distribution of credits under the different type of courses is as follows:
i) Core Courses (CCs): 14 courses of 6 credits each (i.e. 84 credits)
ii) Discipline Specific Electives (DSEs): 4 courses of 6 credits each (i.e. 24 credits)
iii) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECCs): 2 courses of 4 credits (i.e. 8 credits)
iv) Skill Enhancement Courses (SECs): 2 courses of 4 credits (i.e. 8 credits)
v) Generic Electives (GEs): 4 courses of 6 credits each (i.e. 24 credits)
This comprise all learning conditioning( i.e. reading and comprehending the print material, harkening to audios, watching vids, attending comforting sessions, teleconferencing and jotting assignment responses). utmost courses of this programme( CCs, DSEs and GEs) are of six credits. This means that you'll have to put in 180 hours( 6 × 30) of study time to complete each of these courses. The programme also has 4 Capability improvement and Skill improvement courses, each of four credit weightage( 2 courses each). These bear a aggregate of 120 hours( 4 × 30) of study time.