"The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you."
-- B.B. King
2 Year Batch M.A. Economics Entrance Classes
1. 3 Level Course Structure
2. Basic, Intermediate & Advance Level
3. Live & Recorded lectures
4. More than 300+ Hours
5. Subject Specific Assignments
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7. Entrance specific Mock Papers
8. Mock Tests
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14. Fee - Rs 60, 000 / -
First Year - Rs 30, 000 / -
Second Year - Rs 30, 000 / -
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Education institutions FOR Master's in Economics
1. Delhi School of Economics (DSE)
2. Indian Statistical Institute (ISI)
3. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR)
4. Madras School of Economics (MSE)
5. Jawaharlal Nehru University
6. IIT
7.Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics
8. South Asian university (SAU)
9. Jamia Millia Islamia University
10.Indian Institute of Foreign Trade(IIFT)
11. University of Hyderabad
MA Economics Entrance Syllabus
ArthaPoint provides the complete MA Economics entrance syllabus and offers advice for preparing for the MA Economics entrance exam. Enroll today to gain access to previous year question papers and expert guidance.
Consumer Theory
Preferences | Utility Functions | Indifference Curves | Elasticity | Complements and substitutes Marginal Rate of Substitution | Utility Maximization | Revealed Preferences | Marshallian and Hicksian Demand functions | Expenditure Functions | Indirect Utility Functions
Producer Theory
Production Function | Isoquants Cost Function | Short and Long Run | Marginal Rate of Technical Substitution (MRTS) | Returns to Scale | Marginal Revenue | Elasticity of Substitution
Expected Utility | Intertemporal Choices | Consumption Smoothing | Risk Aversion
Game Theory
Nash Equilibria | Subgame Perfect Nash Equilibria | Strategies and Payoffs | Mixed Strategies | Prisoners’ Dilemma | Adverse Selection | Continuum of Actions | Sequential Games | Repeated Games | Auctions
Partial Equilibrium
Market Demand |Short run Supply | Equilibrium | Efficiency and Welfare | Monopoly | Price Discrimination | Stackelberg Model | Cournot Model | Bertrand Model | Tacit Collusion | Hotelling Model
General Equilibrium
Equilibrium | Simple Exchange | Edgeworth box |Walras’ Law |All possible combinations of Perfect Substitutes | Perfect Compliments and Lexicographic preferences.
Welfare economics
Fundamental Theorems | Equity vs Efficiency | Social Choice Theory | Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem
Books-Microeconomics-MA Economics entrance preparation
IS-LM and AS-AD models
Classical Model | Keynesian Model | Goods Market | Equilibrium in Goods Market | Financial Market | Liquidity Trap | Open Market Operations | Quantity Theory of Money | Effect of Fiscal and Monetary Policies | GDP | IS - LM Curve | Labour Market | AS -AD Curve | Keynesian and Classical model | Short - Medium run | Fiscal and Monetary policies | Expectations Augmented Phillips’ curve | Inflation & Unemployment | Wage Indexation
Dynamic Macroecoomics and Growth
Harrod-Domar model | Solow model | Golden Rule | Population Growth | Balanced Growth | Capital Accumulation | Technological Progress | INADA Conditions
Money, banking and inflation
Adaptive and Rational expectations
Phillips curve
Lucas Supply
Mundell- Fleming Model
Dornbusch exchange rate overshooting model
Marshall-Lerner condition
International Economics
Accounting in Open Economy | Balance of Payments (BOP) | Forex Markets | Exchange Rates | Comparative Advantage
International Trade
Ricardian model | Heckscher-Ohlin Mode | Comparative advantage
Books FOR Macroeconomics-MA Economics entrance preparation
Permutations and Combinations | Independent Events | Bayes’ Theorem |Conditional Probability
Random Variable
Discrete and Continuous Distribution | Cumulative Distribution Functions | Bivariate | Multivariable Distribution | Marginal Distribution | Conditional Distribution
Expectation of a RV | Variance | Moments | Mean and Median | Covariance and Correlation | Conditional Expectation
Special Distributions
Bernoulli and Binomial | Hypergeometric | Normal Distribution | Poisson Distribution
Law of Large numbers | Markov and Chebyshev Inequalities | Central Limit Theorem
Hypothesis Testing
Null and Alternative Hypothesis | Type I and Type II error | P-value | Power of a test | Chi-squared test | T-test | Prediction | Interval Estimation | Confidence Interval
Books for STATISTICS MA Economics entrance preparation
Real Analysis
Set Theory | Numbers | Sequences |Series |Topology of Real Numbers | Limits | Continuity | Differentiation | Integration | Multi Variable Optimization | Limits and Continuity of two variable functions | Two variable calculus | Quasi Concavity-Quasi convexity
Linear Algebra
Linear Equations | Linear Programming | Linear Transformations | Linear Independence
Gaussian Elimination | Matrix Algebra | Factorization | Vector Spaces and Subspaces | Determinants | Null Space-Column Space and Complete Solutions
Books for MATHEMATICS-MA Economics entrance preparation
Sydsæter & Hammond
A.C. Chiang
Regression Analysis
PRF and SRF | OLS estimation | Properties of OLS | Classical Model Assumptions | Goodness of Fit and R2 | Normality Assumptions | Gauss-Markov Theorem
Regression Extension
Regression through Origin | Scaling | Multi Variable Regression | Standardization | ANOVA | Log-Linear models | Adjusted R2
Dummy Variables
ANOVA Model | ANCOVA Model | Piecewise Linear Regression | Seasonal Analysis
Relaxing the Assumptions
Multicollinearity | Heteroscedasticity | Autocorrelation
Books for MATHEMATICS- MA Economics entrance preparation
Damodar Gujarati
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Contact Us - 8368663950