How did our Non Economics Background Student secured AIR in IIT JAM Economics 2022 & GATE Economics 2022?

First question among students for IIT JAM Economics 2023 is -
Whether they are eligible or not ?
Many are also concerned that coming from Non Economics, can they actually crack the IIT JAM Economics 2023 or GATE Economics 2023 exam.
Then are concerned about will they be able to crack an exam set up IIT ?
All the questions are genuine and have common answer which is YES.
For answer to the ELIGIBILTY question, you can refer to our earlier blog
Now, its obvious to have doubts about clearing an entrance of the domain which you have never studied but its not impossible. "Nothing is impossible" is not just the statement because our student who comes completely from non economics background secured All India Rank AIR in both IIT JAM Economics 2022 & GATE Economics 2022.
Therefore, when he can secure AIR then why can't anyone else. Our aim has always been to make sure aspirants have conceptual clarity and have strong base to build upon for not only entrance but also future prospects as well.
The approach is SIMPLE for all our students:-
Attend all the lectures without skipping any class if possible
Watch all the lectures in the prescribed manner or systematically
Attempt all the weekly assignments
Attempt all the quizzes after video lectures and notes
Attempt regular tests
Attempt subject specific assignments as well
Once course is completed, attempt past years first
Post that start with our Mock Test Paper series
* Whenever possible keep revising the topics which you find tough.
For any query, you can also, contact us at 8368663950
IIT JAM Economics 2023 Syllabus Discussion
We hope this blog was helpful.
Hope this helps, till next time happy learning.
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